Are You Ready for the Real Health Costs in Retirement? ››

Are You Ready for the Real Health Costs in RetirementHow much of your retirement nest egg have you accumulated to cover health care costs during your later years? According to a recent study, the average 65-year-old couple retiring in 2013 would need approximately $220,000 to cover their medical expenses throughout retirement.

Pros and Cons of Home Care vs. Assisted Living Retirement Facilities ››

Pros and Cons of Home Care vs. Assisted Living Retirement FacilitiesThe majority of the planning that we do for our retirement years involves various aspects of finances. We focus on paying down our debts, putting our children through college without breaking the bank, and accumulating enough of a nest egg that we’ll

Success Secrets from Early Retirees ››

Success Secrets from Early RetireesFrom time to time we hear about individuals and couples who seem to have hit the jackpot: not in the literal sense of having won the lottery, but having figured out a way to retire at age 55, or maybe 50, or

Should You Take a Retirement Test Drive? ››

Should You Take a Retirement Test DriveIt’s a fairly common practice for some people that before they make a major purchase, they do whatever they can to try things out first. Sometimes this is literally a “test drive,” as one would do before buying a new automobile. Some

Pension Decision #1 – Lump Sum or Monthly Payments? ››

Pension Decision 1 – Lump Sum or Monthly PaymentsIf you have a pension that you’ll be able to draw upon during retirement, then there’s a good chance that you’re in a better financial position with respect to retirement than many others. The more sources you have to draw upon for

5 Questions to Ask to Better Determine Your Required Retirement Savings ››

5 Questions to Ask to Better Determine Your Required Retirement SavingsFor many individuals, saving for retirement is a somewhat unusual concept. On the one hand, the general concept of saving for retirement is easy to understand – you’ll need a lot of money to live off of once you stop working, so

What is a myRA? ››

What is a myRAMany economists believe that one of the big financial “ticking time bombs” in the U.S. is the fact that current levels of retirement savings are very low, and that the Social Security retirement program – which was never intended to be the

5 Steps for a Retirement Savings Tune-Up ››

5 Steps for a Retirement Savings Tune-UpLike any other personal finance goal, getting to retirement with a healthy nest egg requires long-term planning and effort. But the plan you might have come up with early in adulthood might no longer be the best way for you to reach

The Most Important Retirement Planning Questions You Need to Ask ››

The Most Important Retirement Planning Questions You Need to AskEffective retirement planning is much more than just plugging a few numbers into an online calculator in order to come up with an amount that you need to save each month. Unfortunately, it’s easy to fall into a mindset of thinking that

Which Type of Annuity is Best for Your Retirement Savings Goals? ››

Which Type of Annuity is Best for Your Retirement Savings GoalsFor most individuals, retirement planning is largely a self-directed exercise. Once we set up our 401(k) and IRA accounts, we are responsible for deciding what to invest in, how long to hold those investments, and how to change our investment strategies over