Articles Tagged ‘saving money’

Lose These Six Expenses in Retirement
Thursday, September 4th, 2014
Lose These Six Expenses in RetirementWe tend to think of personal budgets and managing our household expenses as something that’s we do in order to be able to save for retirement. But it is also extremely important to be mindful of our expenses and cut costs during retirement as well. In many ways, it can be more challenging to try to balance the budget during retirement because we’re more limited on the income side of the equation. Thankfully, because a person’s lifestyle is likely to be different during retirement in a number of different ways, there should be certain categories of expense that are good...

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Success Secrets from Early Retirees
Thursday, May 22nd, 2014
Success Secrets from Early RetireesFrom time to time we hear about individuals and couples who seem to have hit the jackpot: not in the literal sense of having won the lottery, but having figured out a way to retire at age 55, or maybe 50, or perhaps even younger than that. At first glance this might seem too good to be true. After all, many of these early retirees spend their working years at jobs and careers that aren’t particularly high paying. How is it possible that these people can retire after spending fewer years in the workforce than the average worker. Here are...

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5 Tips to Prepare for Retirement
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
5 Tips to Prepare for RetirementThe face of retirement is changing. People are working longer. The future of social security is being questioned. And the present economy may be adversely impacting your investments and savings. According to the United States Department of Labor; Less than half of Americans have calculated how much they need to save for retirement. In 2009, 13 percent of private industry workers with access to a defined contribution plan (such as a 401(k) plan) did not participate. The average American spends 20 years in retirement. These are shocking statistics to be sure. Whether you’re facing impending retirement or you have decades...

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